Friday, January 30, 2009

Who invented the Micro Fiche?

I've been really sick all week but have been trying to keep up with all the work for my two graduate seminars and teaching my 3 sections of 1102. The UCF library tells me I the micro fiches I ordered through ILL were in, so I went to pick them up between classes on Tuesday.

Yesterday, in between my 12:00 and 4:00 class, I went up to the third floor to see if I could quickly print out a copy. What was I thinking? I didn't mind paying the 10 cents per copy but that micro fiche machine almost killed me! LOL. The guy who was helping me barely knew how to work it, then you have to slide the thing around, everything is backwards, going from page to page was frustrating. It hit that part of my brain where sense of direction is stored and that must have been the part of the brain that I smashed when I fell out of a car at age three. Or maybe it was all the cold medicine I was on, but at one point I was weeping over the archaic machinery.

I finally got the silly thing to print out what I needed for the next assignment, but it wasn't pretty. I wish there was a service where you could hand the paid staff at the library what you need copied and/or scanned. I would pay 20 cents a page for a service like that!

Okay...I still can't breathe and I'm really dizzy so I'm going back to bed and taking Charles Brockden Brown with me! Sorry I missed class last night. BTW...I've really enjoyed getting to see everyone's blogs. I love how I can "follow" all of them. Wish more people were following mine (thanks, Jay Jay).


1 comment:

  1. Elena, I can barely use an overhead projector, so just imagine me writing my dissertation with this stuff. It was a tragedy week after week! LML
